China Seeks to Expand Africa Trade Dominance With Role as Peace Mediator

China Seeks to Expand Africa Trade Dominance With Role as Peace Mediator

Beijing pledges to resolve intractable conflicts, but skeptics call offer a photo op designed to bolster entrenched regimes

KAMPALA, Uganda—China offered to mediate disputes across the troubled Horn of Africa at its first regional peace conference, the latest sign Beijing is expanding decades of economic diplomacy into matters of war and peace.

Delegates from six countries gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to hear China’s newly appointed special envoy for the region, Xue Bing, pledge that Beijing was best placed to restore stability to Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and other countries across the strategically important Horn of Africa, which is perched on some of the world’s key shipping lanes.


Nicholas BariyoFollow


Chun Han Wong FollowJune 21, 2022 12:52 pm ET

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